
英语听力2024-04-15 03:02:01小编


一:北京首都機場3號航站樓風荷載和響應研究是指对北京首都国际机场3号航站楼在遭受强风荷载时的结构响应进行研究。该研究旨在通过分析和测试,确定该航站楼在不同强度的风荷载下的结构稳定性和安全性,为其设计和建设提供科学依据。(Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 Wind Load and Response Research)

二:怎么读(音标):[běi jīng shǒu dū jī chǎng sān hào háng zhàn lóu fēng hè liàng hé xiǎng yìng yán jiū]



1. The wind load and response research of Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 is of great significance for ensuring the safety and stability of the terminal under strong wind conditions. (北京首都機場3號航站樓風荷載和響應研究对于保证航站楼在强风条件下的安全和稳定具有重要意义。)

2. The wind load and response research included numerical simulations, wind tunnel tests, and field measurements. (風荷載和響應研究包括数值模拟、风洞试验和现场测量。)

3. The results of the wind load and response research will be used to optimize the design and construction of Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3. (風荷載和響應研究的结果将被用于优化北京首都機場3號航站樓的设计和建设。)

4. The wind load and response research team consists of experts from various fields such as structural engineering, aerodynamics, and meteorology. (風荷載和響應研究团队由结构工程、空气动力学、气象等多个领域的专家组成。)

5. Based on the findings of the wind load and response research, additional measures were taken to enhance the resistance of Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 against strong winds. (根据風荷載和響應研究的结果,采取了额外的措施来提高北京首都機場3號航站樓对强风的抗风能力。)


