
英语听力2024-04-15 04:03:55小编




What does "半夜三更" mean (Chinese and English explanation):

"半夜三更" means late at night, usually referring to the time between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning. This term originated from the ancient Chinese way of dividing time into five "gengs", with each "geng" consisting of two hours. Therefore, 半夜三更 refers to the halfway point of the third "geng". In modern Chinese, it can also be used to describe a very late time.


"半夜三更"的拼音为bàn yè sān gēng,音标为 /bàn jè sán géng/。

How to pronounce (phonetic transcription):

The pinyin of "半夜三更" is bàn yè sān gēng, with phonetic transcription /bàn jè sán géng/.




"半夜三更" is usually used as a noun phrase to describe late at night. It can be used to indicate time or describe when something happens. In addition, it can also be used metaphorically to express that something is very late or delayed.


1. 我昨晚工作到了半夜三更。

I worked until 半夜三更 last night.

2. 他每天都要等到半夜三更才回家。

He doesn't come home until 半夜三更 every day.

3. 我们在半夜三更的时候终于完成了这个任务。

We finally finished this task in the middle of the night.

4. 他们在半夜三更才开始准备明天的旅行计划。

They didn't start preparing for tomorrow's trip until 半夜三更.

5. 她总是在半夜三更打给我,让我感觉很不舒服。

She always calls me in the middle of the night, which makes me feel uncomfortable.


1. 深夜 (shēn yè): 指晚上很晚的时候,通常指十一点以后。

2. 凌晨 (líng chén): 指凌晨一点到六点之间的时间。

3. 深更半夜 (shēn gēng bàn yè): 指非常晚的时间,比半夜三更更晚。

4. 午夜 (wǔ yè): 指午夜十二点整。

5. 夜里 (yè lǐ): 指晚上或深夜的时间。

Synonyms and usage:

1. 深夜 (shēn yè): refers to a very late time at night, usually after 11 pm.

2. 凌晨 (líng chén): refers to the time between 1 am and 6 am.

3. 深更半夜 (shēn gēng bàn yè): refers to a very late time, later than 半夜三更.

4. 午夜 (wǔ yè): specifically refers to midnight at 12 o'clock.

5. 夜里 (yè lǐ): refers to the time at night or late at night.


