
英语听力2024-04-15 07:36:08小编



二:怎么读(音标):qù nián jiǔ yuè shí rì, wǒ xiàng nà dān zǒng tǒng chéng dì guó shū, zhèng shì chū rèn měi guó zhù xīn jiā pō



1. 去年9月10日,我向纳丹呈递国书,正式出任美国驻新加坡。

Last September 10th, I presented my credentials to President Nathan and officially assumed my post as the United States Ambassador to Singapore.

2. 在我向纳丹递交国书的仪式上,我表示将尽最大努力促进美新两国的友好合作。

During the ceremony of presenting my credentials to President Nathan, I expressed my commitment to promoting friendly cooperation between the United States and Singapore.

3. 作为美国驻新加坡,我将致力于推动两国在经济、文化、教育等领域的交流与合作。

As the United States Ambassador to Singapore, I will work towards enhancing exchanges and cooperation between our two countries in areas such as economy, culture, and education.

4. 我非常荣幸能够担任美国驻新加坡,希望能够为两国关系的发展做出积极贡献。

I am deeply honored to serve as the United States Ambassador to Singapore and hope to make a positive contribution to the development of our bilateral relations.

5. 我将尊重新加坡的和利益,以及两国间的友好关系,为促进双边合作做出不懈努力。

I will respect Singapore's sovereignty and interests, as well as the friendly relationship between our two countries, and strive to promote bilateral cooperation.


1. 呈递 (chéng dì) 可以替换为递交 (dì jiāo),表示向某人提交文件或信件。

2. 出任 (chū rèn) 可以替换为担任 (dān rèn),表示接受某项职务或任务。

3. 驻 (zhù) 可以替换为派驻 (pài zhù),表示派遣某人到特定地点履行职责。

4. (dà shǐ) 可以替换为使节 (shǐ jié),表示被派往外国担任使节的人。

5. 友好合作 (yǒu hǎo hé zuò) 可以替换为友谊合作 (yǒu yì hé zuò),表示两国之间友好的关系和合作。

