What is the meaning of "友情链接" (Chinese-English) interpretation?
Friendship link refers to the mutual addition of links between two websites for the purpose of mutual promotion and recommendation. These links are usually displayed in the sidebar, footer or related content area of a webpage, and clicking on them will redirect to the other website.
友情链接:yǒu qíng liàn jiē
yǒu qíng liàn jiē
Friendship links are commonly used for cooperative promotion between websites, which can increase website traffic and visibility. When adding friendship links, both parties need to reach a consensus and comply with relevant laws and regulations, such as not involving illegal or inappropriate content.
1. 我们公司与多家知名网站建立了友情链接,希望能够扩大品牌影响力。
We have established friendship links with several well-known websites in the hope of expanding our brand influence.
2. 为了提升网站的排名,我们需要增加更多的友情链接。
To improve the ranking of our website, we need to add more friendship links.
3. 如果你对我们的网站感兴趣,欢迎添加我们的友情链接。
If you are interested in our website, you are welcome to add our friendship link.
4. 友情链接是互联网上常见的合作方式,可以帮助网站之间互相推广。
Friendship links are a common way of cooperation on the Internet, which can help promote each other between websites.
5. 我们公司的网站已经被多家知名网站添加为友情链接,这让我们非常高兴。
Our company's website has been added as a friendship link by several well-known websites, which makes us very happy.
1. 友链 (yǒu liàn):与友情链接意思相同,是一种简化表达方式。
Synonyms and Usage:
1. 友链 (yǒu liàn): Has the same meaning as "friendship link" and is a simplified way of expression.