发布(fā bù):指将信息、消息、作品等公开或传播出去。
例句1:这篇文章已经发布到网上了。This article has been published online.
例句2:公司将在明天发布新产品。The company will release a new product tomorrow.
例句3:他们决定不再发布任何关于这件事的声明。They decided not to release any more statements about the matter.
例句4:请注意,本次活动的最新消息将在我们的网站上发布。Please note that the latest updates about this event will be published on our official website.
例句5:她一直梦想着有一天能够发布自己的第一部小说。She has always dreamed of publishing her first novel one day.
同义词及用法:发表(fā biǎo)、公布(gōng bù)、披露(pī lù)、宣布(xuān bù)等,都可以表示将信息或作品公开或传播出去的意思。