
英语听力2024-04-15 18:05:34小编




Hami melon, also known as cantaloupe, is a sweet and juicy fruit with a smooth skin. It belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family and has an oval or round shape, usually in yellow or light green color. It is also characterized by its numerous black seeds inside. Hami melon is mainly cultivated in Xinjiang, China, hence it is also known as "Xinjiang Hami melon".


哈密瓜 [hā mì guā]



Hami melon can be eaten directly or used as an ingredient in fruit salads, juices, and ice cream. It can also be dried or preserved as candied fruit. Furthermore, Hami melon is a highly nutritious fruit, rich in vitamin C and potassium.


1. 我最喜欢的水果是哈密瓜,它又甜又多汁。

My favorite fruit is Hami melon, it is both sweet and juicy.

2. 新鲜的哈密瓜通常在夏季上市。

Fresh Hami melons are usually available in summer.

3. 你可以把哈密瓜切成小块,然后放进冰箱冷藏一会儿,这样吃起来更加清凉爽口。

You can cut the Hami melon into small pieces and refrigerate it for a while, which makes it more refreshing to eat.

4. 哈密瓜的种子可以用来制作腌制品,如腌制果脯。

The seeds of Hami melon can be used to make preserved products, such as candied fruits.

5. 她每天早上都会喝一杯新鲜的哈密瓜汁,这对皮肤有很大的好处。

She drinks a glass of fresh Hami melon juice every morning, which is good for her skin.


1. 西瓜 (xī guā) - 西瓜和哈密瓜都属于葫芦科植物,但西瓜比哈密瓜的体积大,且外表呈现深绿色。

Watermelon - Watermelon and Hami melon both belong to the Cucurbitaceae family, but watermelon is larger in size and has a dark green skin.

2. 香瓜 (xiāng guā) - 香瓜和哈密瓜的外表相似,但香瓜的肉质更加细腻,味道更甜。

Honeydew melon - Honeydew melon has a similar appearance to Hami melon, but its flesh is more delicate and sweeter in taste.

3. 菠萝蜜 (bō luó mì) - 菠萝蜜也是一种甜味浓郁的水果,但它的外表呈现棕色,内部有许多小块果肉。

Jackfruit - Jackfruit is also a sweet and juicy fruit, but it has a brown skin and many small pieces of flesh inside.


