
英语听力2024-04-15 18:06:28小编




What does Harbin mean (Chinese and English) explanation:

Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province in China, and it is also a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage. It is located in the southeastern part of Heilongjiang Province, at 45°44′ north latitude and 126°38′ east longitude, at the junction of the Northeast Asia Economic Zone and the Russian Far East region. Harbin is famous for its ice and snow art, hot springs, food culture, and unique architectural style.


哈尔滨(hā ěr bīn)

How to read (phonetic):

Harbin (hā ěr bīn)




As a noun, Harbin is usually used to refer to the city. It can also be used as an adjective to describe things or people related to Harbin.


1. 哈尔滨是一座美丽的城市,每年都吸引着众多游客前来欣赏冰雪艺术。

Harbin is a beautiful city that attracts many tourists every year to admire its ice and snow art.

2. 我的祖父母生活在哈尔滨,他们常常会讲述那里的历史故事。

My grandparents live in Harbin, and they often tell stories about the history of the city.

3. 这家餐厅的招牌菜就是哈尔滨特色的红肠,非常美味。

The signature dish of this restaurant is the Harbin-style red sausage, which is very delicious.

4. 我计划明年去哈尔滨参加冰雪节,听说那里的冰灯非常壮观。

I plan to go to Harbin next year for the Ice and Snow Festival, I heard that the ice lanterns there are very spectacular.

5. 哈尔滨工业大学是一所享有盛誉的高等学府,它培养了许多优秀的工程师和科学家。

Harbin Institute of Technology is a prestigious institution of higher learning that has trained many outstanding engineers and scientists.



Synonyms and usage:

Harbin can also be called "Ice City" because of its cold winter climate and frequent snowfall, as well as its reputation for ice and snow art. In addition, Harbin is also known as the "Oriental Moscow" because its architectural style is influenced by Russia.


