
英语听力2024-04-15 21:51:03小编




Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons on earth caused by the rotation and revolution of the earth. Each season has different weather characteristics and biological activities, which affect human life.


四季:sì jì [sì jì]

春:chūn [tʃʊŋ]

夏:xià [ʃjǎ]

秋:qiū [tɕíu]

冬:dōng [tʊŋ]



Four seasons can be used as a noun to refer to the four seasons in a year; it can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to a specific season.


1. 春天是万物复苏的季节。

Spring is the season of rebirth for all things.

2. 夏天是游泳和野餐的好时机。

Summer is a good time for swimming and picnics.

3. 秋天的树叶变成了金黄色。

The leaves turn golden in autumn.

4. 冬天的气温很低,要多穿衣服保暖。

The temperature is very low in winter, so remember to dress warmly.

5. 我喜欢四季分明的地方,每个季节都有不同的美景。

I love places with distinct four seasons, each season has its own beauty.


1. 季节(jì jié):指一年中的某个时间段,与“四季”意思相近,但更加抽象。

2. 季节性(jì jié xìng):指某种现象或活动在特定季节出现或发生。

3. 节气(jié qì):指二十四节气中的一个,每个节气都着特定的天气和农事活动。

4. 阴历(yīn lì):按照月亮运行周期来计算日期的历法,与阳历相对应,决定了传统农耕文化中的重要时刻。

5. 气候(qì hòu):指某一地期统计得出的天气情况。

1. Season: refers to a period of time in a year, similar to "four seasons", but more abstract.

2. Seasonal: refers to a phenomenon or activity that occurs or happens in a specific season.

3. Solar term: refers to one of the twenty-four solar terms, each representing specific weather and agricultural activities.

4. Lunar calendar: a calendar that calculates dates according to the lunar cycle, corresponding to the solar calendar, determining important moments in traditional Chinese farming culture.

5. Climate: refers to the long-term statistics of weather conditions in a particular region.


