
英语听力2024-04-16 01:45:04小编




To sit back and reap the benefits means to effortlessly gain a large amount of profit or benefits, similar to a fisherman sitting on the shore and the fish taking the bait without any effort. This phrase can also be used to describe someone who has gained substantial returns or rewards through an easy way.


坐收渔利 [zuò shōu yú lì]



The phrase "sit back and reap the benefits" is commonly used to describe someone who effortlessly gains a large amount of returns or benefits. It can be applied to various fields such as work, investment, business, etc. When using this phrase, it can be paired with specific verbs to express different actions, such as "sit back and enjoy the success", "sit on a million", "sit back and profit from real estate", etc.


1. 他只是坐收渔利,却从中获得了巨大的财富。

He simply sat back and reaped the benefits, but gained immense wealth from it.

2. 这位老板通过不断拓展业务,现在已经可以坐收渔利了。

The boss can now sit back and reap the benefits by constantly expanding his business.

3. 我们要努力工作,而不是指望能够坐收渔利。

We should work hard instead of expecting to sit back and reap the benefits.

4. 他一直在等待时机,想要坐收渔利。

He has been waiting for an opportunity to sit back and reap the benefits.

5. 如果你想要成功,就不能只是坐收渔利,而是要付出努力和汗水。

If you want to succeed, you can't just sit back and reap the benefits, but you have to put in effort and sweat.


1. 坐享其成 [zuò xiǎng qí chéng]:享受别人辛苦劳动的成果而不付出努力。

2. 坐拥百万 [zuò yōng bǎi wàn]:拥有巨额财富。

3. 坐赚不动产 [zuò zhuàn bù dòng chǎn]:指通过房地产投资轻松获得大量收益。

4. 轻松获利 [qīng sōng huò lì]:轻易地获取利益。

5. 不劳而获 [bù láo ér huò]:不付出努力却得到回报。


