
英语听力2024-04-16 06:54:11小编




The white rat, also known as the laboratory rat, is a common small mammal belonging to the order Rodentia. They are often used as experimental animals in medical and biological research, hence the name laboratory animals. The white rat is one of the earliest domesticated animals by humans, with small body size, strong reproductive ability, and easy breeding and management, making it widely used in scientific research.


大白鼠:dà bái shǔ

大鼠:dà shǔ



The white rat and the rat both refer to the same animal, with one being a common name and the other being a professional term. They are often used as experimental animals, playing an important role in medical and biological research. In addition, they can also be kept as pets, but it is important to note their strong reproductive ability and potential for producing large numbers of offspring.


1. 实验室里的大白鼠被用来测试新药物的安全性。

The white rats in the laboratory are used to test the safety of new drugs.

2. 大鼠是一种常见的啮齿动物,也是人类最早驯化的动物之一。

The rat is a common rodent and one of the earliest domesticated animals by humans.

3. 这个实验需要100只大白鼠作为实验对象。

This experiment requires 100 white rats as experimental subjects.

4. 大白鼠具有很强的繁殖能力,每年可以产下数十个幼崽。

White rats have strong reproductive ability, producing dozens of offspring each year.

5. 我们需要对这些大鼠进行定期检查,以确保它们身体健康。

We need to conduct regular check-ups on these rats to ensure their physical health.



1. 实验鼠:也是指实验室中用作实验的大白鼠。

2. 白老鼠:也是指白色的大白鼠,常用于形容外貌。

3. 饲养鼠:指作为宠物饲养的大白鼠。

Synonyms for white rat include:

1. Laboratory rat: also refers to the white rats used in laboratories for experiments.

2. Albino rat: also refers to the white rat, often used to describe its appearance.

3. Pet rat: refers to the white rat kept as a pet.


