
英语听力2024-04-16 13:40:00小编



妊妇(rèn fù)指怀孕的女性,通常用来形容女性在怀孕期间的身份和状态。在医学上,妊妇也被称为孕妇或者孕期女性。

A pregnant woman refers to a woman who is carrying a child in her womb. It is commonly used to describe the identity and state of a woman during pregnancy. In medical terms, a pregnant woman is also known as an expectant mother or a woman in her gestational period.


rèn fù (rén fù)



“Pregnant woman” can be used as a noun to refer to a woman who is pregnant, and it can also be used as an adjective to modify things related to pregnancy. For example, "maternity clothes" and "stretch marks" are both related terms.


1. 她是一位快要当妈妈的准备好了。(She is ready to become a mother soon.)

2. 她正在穿着一件舒适的妊妇装。(She is wearing comfortable maternity clothes.)

3. 她每天都会按时服用孕期维生素。(She takes prenatal vitamins every day.)

4. 她因为妊娠纹而感到苦恼。(She is worried about her stretch marks.)

5. 她是一位怀有双胞胎的妊妇。(She is a pregnant woman carrying twins.)


1. 孕妇(yùn fù):也指怀孕的女性,与“妊妇”意思相同,但在口语中更常用。

2. 孕期女性(yùn qī nǚ xìng):也是指怀孕的女性,强调的是她们处于孕育生命的特殊阶段。

3. 孕期(yùn qī):指从受孕到分娩之间的时间段,也可以用来形容这段时间内发生的事情。

4. 怀孕(huái yùn):动词,表示女性身体内孕育着一个新生命。

5. 怀胎(huái tāi):动词,指女性怀孕。

1. Pregnant woman (yùn fù): also refers to a woman who is pregnant, similar to "rèn fù", but more commonly used in spoken language.

2. Expectant mother (yùn qī nǚ xìng): also refers to pregnant women, emphasizing their special stage of carrying a life.

3. Gestational period (yùn qī): refers to the time period from conception to childbirth, and can also be used to describe events that occur during this time.

4. Pregnancy (huái yùn): verb, describes the process of a woman carrying a new life inside her body.

5. Carrying a child (huái tāi): verb, refers to a woman being pregnant.


