
英语听力2024-04-16 22:06:21小编




The "wolves" of the rich club refer to those who hold high positions, possess immense wealth and influence. They usually have strong influence and control in business, politics or social circles. This term can also be used to describe those who pursue power and wealth at all costs to achieve their goals.





The term "wolves of the rich club" is commonly used to describe those who possess immense wealth and power, and control the business, politics or social circles. It can also be used to describe those who are ruthless and will do anything to pursue their own interests. Additionally, it can be used as a metaphor to refer to the most influential and powerful members of a group.


1. 那些富人俱乐部的狼们总是在谋划着如何获取更多的财富和权力。

The wolves of the rich club are always plotting on how to acquire more wealth and power.

2. 这个行业里的富人俱乐部的狼们彼此勾结,着市场的价格和走向。

The wolves of the rich club in this industry collude with each other, controlling market prices and trends.

3. 他是个成功的商人,也是富人俱乐部的狼之一。

He is a successful businessman and one of the wolves of the rich club.

4. 那些富人俱乐部的狼们不择手段地追求自己的利益,甚至牺牲别人。

The wolves of the rich club will s at nothing to pursue their own interests, even at the expense of others.

5. 在这个圈子里,只有那些富人俱乐部的狼才能掌握真正的权力。

In this political circle, only the wolves of the rich club have real power.


1. 富人俱乐部的狼 - wolves of the rich club

2. 财富和权力的追求者 - seekers of wealth and power

3. 有权势的人 - powerful individuals

4. 高层管理者 - high-level executives

5. 者 - rulers


