
英语听力2024-04-16 22:05:33小编



英文解释:Grand and magnificent, describing something that is very luxurious and impressive in appearance or grandeur.

二:怎么读(音标):fù lì táng huáng (fù lí táng huáng)



1. 这座宫殿富丽堂皇,让人不禁感叹造物主的奇妙创造。(The palace is grand and magnificent, making people marvel at the wonders of the creator.)

2. 婚礼上新娘穿着一袭富丽堂皇的白纱裙,显得格外美丽动人。(The bride wore a grand and magnificent white wedding dress, looking particularly beautiful and charming.)

3. 这部电影场景设计富丽堂皇,吸引了无数观众的目光。(The scene design of this movie is grand and magnificent, attracting the attention of countless viewers.)

4. 他身上散发出一股富丽堂皇的气质,让人不敢有丝毫亵渎之心。(He exudes a grand and magnificent temperament, making people dare not have any disrespectful thoughts.)

5. 这个宴会的布置非常富丽堂皇,每一个细节都体现出主人的高雅品味。(The arrangement of this banquet is very grand and magnificent, and every detail reflects the 's elegant taste.)


1. 华丽(huá lì):形容外表华美、光彩夺目,常用来形容衣着、装饰等。

例句:这件礼服十分华丽,让她看起来像个公主。(This dress is very gorgeous, making her look like a princess.)

2. 壮观(zhuàng guān):形容景象宏伟、雄伟,常用来形容自然景观或者大型建筑物。

例句:从山顶俯瞰,整个城市的夜景十分壮观。(Looking down from the of the mountain, the night view of the entire city is very spectacular.)

3. 雄伟(xióng wěi):形容事物气势雄壮、威武。

例句:这座雄伟的城堡是国王居住的地方。(This magnificent castle is where the king lives.)

4. 高贵(gāo guì):形容人的气质高雅、典雅。

例句:她举止高贵,给人一种不可侵犯的感觉。(Her demeanor is noble, giving people a sense of inviolability.)

5. 典雅(diǎn yǎ):形容人或物品的品味高雅、精致。

例句:这幅画充满了典雅的艺术气息,让人欣赏不已。(This painting is full of elegant artistic atmosphere, making people appreciate it endlessly.)


