
英语听力2024-04-17 11:45:58小编



Sense of belonging (n.) – the feeling of belonging and identification with a person, object, or group. It refers to the individual's perception and emotional response to their environment and social relationships, as well as the connection and attachment established between individuals, groups, and society.


/sɛns ɒv bəˈlɒŋɪŋ/




1. She has a strong sense of belonging in her new school. 她在新学校有强烈的归属感。

2. The sense of belonging is crucial for one's mental well-being. 归属感对一个人的心理健康至关重要。

3. As an immigrant, it took him some time to develop a sense of belonging in this new country. 作为一名移民,他花了一些时间才建立起在这个新的归属感。

4. The sense of belonging can be influenced by factors such as culture, social class, and personal relationships. 归属感可以受到文化、社会阶层和个人关系等因素的影响。

5. The lack of a sense of belonging can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. 缺乏归属感会导致孤立和孤独感。


1. Belongingness (n.) – the state or quality of feeling connected or accepted by others.

2. Inclusion (n.) – the act of making someone feel part of a group or community.

3. Affiliation (n.) – the state or process of being associated with a particular group or organization.

4. Identity (n.) – the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.

5. Attachment (n.) – the emotional bond between individuals.


