德薄能鲜(dé bó néng xiǎn)是一句成语,意思是指人的品德浅薄,能力有限,缺乏才华。这句话源自于《论语·子罕》中的一段话:“子曰:‘德薄而位尊’”,后来被引申为“德薄能鲜”。
读音:dé bó néng xiǎn
1. 作为修辞手法使用,用来形容一个人的品德和能力都十分有限。
2. 可以用来批评那些虚伪、浅薄、功利的人。
1. 他虽然地位高,但德薄能鲜,无法得到同事们的尊重。
Though he holds a high position, his shallow character and limited ability make it hard for him to gain respect from his colleagues.
2. 这个领导虽然口才了得,但是德薄能鲜,无法带领团队取得更大的成就。
Although this leader has a good eloquence, his shallow character and limited ability prevent him from leading the team to greater achievements.
3. 这个公司由于领导层德薄能鲜,导致整体业绩下滑。
The overall performance of this company declined due to the shallow character and limited ability of its leadership.
4. 不要只看表面,要看一个人的品德和能力,否则很容易被德薄能鲜的人所欺骗。
Don't just look at the surface, but also consider a person's character and ability. Otherwise, it is easy to be deceived by someone with shallow character and limited ability.
5. 他虽然年轻有为,但是德薄能鲜,无法胜任这个重要的职位。
Although he is young and promising, his shallow character and limited ability make him unsuitable for this important position.
1. 德才兼备:指一个人既有良好的品德又有出色的才华。
2. 德高望重:指一个人具有崇高的品德和受人尊敬的地位。
3. 品行不端:指一个人行为不端,缺乏正派的品格。
4. 才疏学浅:指一个人知识和能力都十分有限。
5. 无能为力:指一个人因能力不足而无法做出有效的行动。