
英语听力2024-04-18 01:04:21小编




What does it mean to walk like a mad horse (in Chinese and English):

To walk like a mad horse means that someone or something is moving with great energy and speed, just like a crazy horse. This expression is often used to describe someone or something that is very excited, enthusiastic, or moving quickly.


我像疯马般行走 (wǒ xiàng fēng mǎ bān xíng) 的意思


Wǒ xiàng fēng mǎ bān xíng




This expression is often used to describe someone or something that is very excited, enthusiastic, or moving quickly. It can be used to describe a person's state while in motion, as well as the characteristics of something.


1. 她像疯马般地跑向终点线。

She ran towards the finish line like a mad horse.

2. 孩子们在操场上像疯马般奔跑着。

The children were running around the playground like mad horses.

3. 他的心脏像疯马一样快速跳动。

His heart was beating like a mad horse.

4. 在这场比赛中,他们表现出了真正的疯马般的。

In this game, they showed a real mad horse spirit.

5. 那个小男孩在玩耍时像疯马一样兴奋。

The little boy was as excited as a mad horse while playing.


1. 狂奔 (kuáng bēn):形容人或物以极快的速度移动或运动,强调速度和力量。

2. 狂飙 (kuáng biāo):形容人或物以极快的速度移动或运动,强调突然而急剧的变化。

3. 狂奔不止 (kuáng bēn bù zhǐ):形容人或物持续不断地以极快的速度移动或运动。

4. 飞奔 (fēi bēn):形容人或物以极快的速度移动或运动,强调轻快和灵活。

5. 疯狂奔跑 (fēng kuáng bēn pǎo):形容人或物以极快的速度移动或运动,强调疯狂和热情。

Synonyms and usage:

1. Kuáng bēn: Describes a person or thing moving or exercising at a very fast speed, emphasizing the speed and strength.

2. Kuáng biāo: Describes a person or thing moving or exercising at a very fast speed, emphasizing sudden and drastic changes.

3. Kuáng bēn bù zhǐ: Describes a person or thing continuously moving or exercising at a very fast speed.

4. Fēi bēn: Describes a person or thing moving or exercising at a very fast speed, emphasizing lightness and agility.

5. Fēng kuáng bēn pǎo: Describes a person or thing moving or exercising at a very fast speed, emphasizing madness and enthusiasm.


