
英语听力2024-04-18 01:03:16小编



英文解释:The meaning of "我们都欲火上身,我们都有欲望,但是有个后街男孩是。" is that everyone has their own desires and cravings, but there is one special person whose charm and attractiveness are irresistible to everyone and makes them all want to possess him.

二:怎么读(音标):wǒ men dōu yù huǒ shàng shēn, wǒ men dōu yǒu yù wàng, dàn shì yǒu gè hòu jiē nán hái shì. (wo men dou yu huo shang shen, wo men dou you yu wang, dan shi you ge hou jie nan hai shi.)



1. 我们都欲火上身,每次看到那个后街男孩,我就忍不住想要靠近他。We are all burning with desire, every time I see that boy from the back street, I can't help but want to get closer to him.

2. 他那迷人的外表和独特的魅力让我们都欲罢不能,他就是那个后街男孩。His charming appearance and unique charm make us all unable to resist, he is the boy from the back street.

3. 每个人都被这位后街男孩的魅力所吸引,他就像是一颗磁铁,吸引着所有人的目光。Everyone is attracted by the charm of this boy from the back street, he is like a magnet, attracting everyone's attention.

4. 即使我们知道他是一个不可靠的人,但我们仍然无法抵挡他那种让人上瘾的魅力,这就是后街男孩的影响力。Even though we know he is an unreliable person, we still can't resist his addictive charm, that's the influence of the boy from the back street.

5. 后街男孩拥有一种特殊的魔力,每个人都被他吸引,想要得到他。The boy from the back street has a special magic, everyone is attracted by him and wants to have him.


