
英语听力2024-04-18 16:05:24小编




Teaching and learning from each other. This phrase refers to an educational philosophy that emphasizes mutual respect, listening, and learning between teachers and students, in order to share and transmit knowledge and experiences.


[jiào xué xiāng zhǎng]



Teaching and learning from each other is commonly used in the field of education, emphasizing the importance of building equal, open, and trusting relationships between teachers and students in order to promote mutual learning and growth. It can also be used in daily life to refer to any situation where both parties benefit from each other's communication and progress together.


1. 教师应该以身作则,与学生保持平等的关系,共同实践教学相长的理念。

Teachers should lead by example and maintain an equal relationship with students, practicing the philosophy of teaching and learning from each other.

2. 我们应该相互尊重、相互倾听,这样才能实现教学相长。

We should respect and listen to each other in order to achieve teaching and learning from each other.

3. 在这所学校里,师生之间建立了良好的师生关系,教学相长的氛围非常浓厚。

In this school, there is a good teacher-student relationship and a strong atmosphere of teaching and learning from each other.

4. 我们不仅要传授知识给学生,也要从他们身上学习,这就是教学相长的精髓。

We should not only impart knowledge to students, but also learn from them, which is the essence of teaching and learning from each other.

5. 教育不仅仅是一种单向的传递,它更应该是师生之间共同探讨、共同进步的过程,因此教学相长是非常重要的。

Education is not just a one-way transmission, it should be a process of mutual exploration and progress between teachers and students. Therefore, teaching and learning from each other is very important.


1. 师生互动(teacher-student interaction)

2. 相互学习(mutual learning)

3. 双赢教育(win-win education)

4. 合作学习(collaborative learning)

5. 共同成长(mutual growth)


