
英语听力2024-04-18 16:06:46小编



How to read: Jiào xué xiāng zhǎng (pinyin)

Usage: 教学相长通常用于教育领域,特别是在教师与学生之间进行知识传授和学习的过程中。它强调了师生之间平等互动、共同进步的重要性,能够激发学生的主动性和创造力,提高教育质量。

Example sentences:

1. 在这所学校里,我们始终坚持“教学相长”的理念,让每一位老师和学生都能够共同成长。

In this school, we always adhere to the concept of "learning from each other", allowing every teacher and student to grow together.

2. 教师应该注重与学生之间的互动,让“教学相长”成为课堂中常见的现象。

Teachers should pay attention to the interaction with students, making "learning from each other" a common phenomenon in the classroom.

3. 通过“教学相长”的方式,我我的知识水平也得到了提升。

Through "learning from each other", I found that my level of knowledge has also been improved.

4. 教师不仅仅是知识的传授者,更应该成为学生学习的引导者,促进“教学相长”的过程。

Teachers should not only be the disseminators of knowledge, but also become guides for students' learning, promoting the process of "learning from each other".

5. 只有在“教学相长”的氛围下,学生才能够充分发挥自己的潜力,实现个人的成长。

Only in an atmosphere of "learning from each other", can students fully tap into their potential and achieve personal growth.

Synonyms and usage: 相互促进、共同进步、互动合作

Editor's summary: 教学相长强调师生之间平等互动、共同进步的重要性,在教育领域具有重要意义。它能够激发学生的主动性和创造力,提高教育质量。同义词包括相互促进、共同进步和互动合作。
