
英语听力2024-04-18 18:29:09小编




New type building materials refer to building materials manufactured using new technologies, new materials or new processes, with characteristics such as environmental protection, energy saving and high efficiency. They not only meet the structural and functional requirements of buildings, but also effectively improve the sustainability of buildings, meeting the modern society's requirements for building quality and environmental protection.


新型建材 [xīn xíng jiàn cái]



New type building materials are commonly used to describe innovative, environmentally friendly and efficient building materials. They are widely used in various types of buildings, such as residential buildings, commercial office buildings, public facilities, etc. In the design and construction process, it is necessary to choose the appropriate new type building materials according to specific circumstances in order to achieve the best results.


1. 新型建材的应用可以有效地降低建筑物的能耗。

The use of new type building materials can effectively reduce the energy consumption of buildings.

2. 这座建筑采用了最新的新型建材,使得它具有出色的环保性能。

This building adopts the latest new type building materials, making it have excellent environmental performance.

3. 新型建材的使用不仅可以提高建筑物的品质,还能减少对环境的影响。

The use of new type building materials can not only improve the quality of buildings, but also reduce their impact on the environment.

4. 这家公司专门研发和生产各种新型建材,满足不同客户的需求。

This company specializes in researching and producing various new type building materials to meet the needs of different customers.

5. 随着科技的进步,越来越多的新型建材被应用到建筑领域,推动了建筑业向更加环保和可持续发展方向发展。

With the advancement of technology, more and more new type building materials are being applied in the construction industry, promoting its development towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable direction.


1. 创新性建材 (innovative building materials)

2. 环保建材 (environmentally friendly building materials)

3. 高效建材 (efficient building materials)

4. 新兴建材 (emerging building materials)

5. 可持续建材 (sustainable building materials)


