
英语听力2024-04-19 08:11:54小编




What does "查房" mean in Chinese and English?

"Cha Fang" refers to the act of doctors or nurses making rounds in hospitals or wards to check on the patients' physical condition and treatment progress. This is also an essential task in the daily work of medical staff.


查房 (chá fáng)




"Cha Fang" is commonly used in the medical field, referring to doctors or nurses making rounds to check on patients. It can also be used in other contexts, such as teachers checking on students or police patrolling.


1. 医生每天早上都会来查房,确保患者的治疗进展顺利。

The doctor comes for rounds every morning to ensure the smooth progress of the patients' treatment.

2. 护士们每隔两个小时就会进行一次查房,以便及时患者的病情变化。

The nurses make rounds every two hours to promptly detect any changes in the patients' condition.

3. 老师每天都会在课间查房,确保学生们都安全健康。

The teacher makes rounds during break time every day to ensure the safety and health of the students.

4. 经常在街上巡逻,防止发生犯罪。

The police often patrol on the streets to prevent crime from happening.

5. 酒店服务员每天都会在客人退房后进行查房,确保客房整洁干净。

Hotel staff make rounds in the guest rooms every day after check-out to ensure cleanliness and tidiness.


1. 巡视 (xún shì):指医生、护士等巡视患者或其他工作场所的行为。与查房意思相近,但更常用于其他场合。

2. 视察 (shì chá):指对某地区、单位或事物进行仔细观察和检查。与查房意思有些不同,更侧重于对整体情况的了解。

3. 巡逻 (xún luó):指、等巡视某地区以维持治安或防止敌人袭击。与查房意思有些不同,更强调巡视的目的是为了保护和防范。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 巡视 (xún shì): refers to the act of doctors, nurses, etc. making rounds on patients or other work places. It has a similar meaning to "查房" but is more commonly used in other contexts.

2. 视察 (shì chá): refers to carefully observing and inspecting a region, unit or thing. It has a slightly different meaning from "查房", focusing more on understanding the overall situation.

3. 巡逻 (xún luó): refers to police, military, etc. patrolling an area to maintain order or prevent enemy attacks. It has a slightly different meaning from "查房", emphasizing the purpose of patrolling for protection and prevention.


