
英语听力2024-04-19 10:18:11小编




Peach is a type of fruit with a round shape, fuzzy skin, and a pit and flesh inside. Its skin can be yellow, pink, or red, while the flesh is usually white or yellow. Peaches have a sweet taste and are rich in nutrients, making them widely used as food and medicinal ingredients.





Peaches can be eaten raw or processed into various foods such as candied peaches, jams, and ice cream. They are also used as medicinal ingredients and are commonly found in traditional Chinese medicine to treat coughs, indigestion, and other symptoms. In Western culture, peaches are seen as symbols of love and longevity.


1. I love eating peaches in the summer.(我喜欢在夏天吃桃子。)

2. She made a delicious peach cobbler for dessert.(她做了一道美味的桃子蛋糕当甜点。)

3. Peaches are rich in vitamins and minerals.(桃子富含维生素和矿物质。)

4. The Chinese medicine prescribed me a herbal tea with dried peaches to soothe my sore throat.(中医开了一份含有干桃子的草药茶来缓解我的喉咙痛。)

5. In Greek mythology, the peach symbolizes immortality and is associated with the goddess Hera.(在希腊神话中,桃子象征着不朽,并与女神赫拉有关联。)


1. 桃子 (táo zi):是“桃”的简称,可以用来代替“桃”这个词。

2. 水蜜桃 (shuǐ mì táo):是指果皮上有绒毛的一种特殊品种的桃,也可以用来代指普通的“桃”。

3. 桃仁 (táo rén):是指桃子内部的核,也常用来作为药材使用。

4. 桃花 (táo huā):是指桃树上开放的花朵,也常被用来比喻美好的爱情或良缘。

5. 桃红 (táo hóng):是指桃子成熟后的颜色,也可以用来形容某种淡红色。

1. Peach (táo zi): is a shortened form of "桃" and can be used to replace the word "桃".

2. Nectarine (shuǐ mì táo): refers to a special variety of peach with fuzzy skin, but can also be used to refer to regular peaches.

3. Peach kernel (táo rén): refers to the pit inside a peach and is also commonly used as a medicinal ingredient.

4. Peach blossom (táo huā): refers to the flowers blooming on a peach tree and is often used as a metaphor for beautiful love or fate.

5. Peachy pink (táo hóng): refers to the color of a ripe peach and can also be used to describe a certain shade of light pink.




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