
英语听力2024-04-19 10:20:27小编




Peach and Plum Blossoms Competing for Beauty means that peach blossoms and plum blossoms bloom at the same time in spring, competing with each other and complementing each other's beauty. This idiom is often used to describe a scene where multiple beautiful things coexist and shine together, or to metaphorically describe the competition among talents to showcase their abilities.


[ táo lǐ zhēng yán ]




Peach and Plum Blossoms Competing for Beauty is usually used to describe a scene where multiple beautiful things coexist and shine together, or to metaphorically describe the competition among talents to showcase their abilities. It is mainly used in literary works or spoken language.


1. 春天来了,桃李争妍,花园里一片绚丽的景象。

Spring is here, with peach and plum blossoms competing for beauty, the garden is a beautiful sight.

2. 这场比赛可谓是桃李争妍,各个选手都展现出了自己的实力。

This competition can be described as a scene of Peach and Plum Blossoms Competing for Beauty, with each contestant showcasing their own abilities.

3. 在这个领域,人才辈出,桃李争妍,每个人都在努力展示自己的才华。

In this field, talents are emerging one after another, with Peach and Plum Blossoms Competing for Beauty, everyone is striving to showcase their talents.

4. 她和她的姐姐都是舞蹈界的佼佼者,可谓是桃李争妍。

She and her sister are both outstanding dancers in the dance world, they can be described as Peach and Plum Blossoms Competing for Beauty.

5. 这部电影汇聚了众多优秀演员,可以说是一场桃李争妍的盛宴。

This movie brings together many outstanding actors, it can be said to be a feast of Peach and Plum Blossoms Competing for Beauty.


1. 花团锦簇:形容花朵繁盛、色彩艳丽的美景。

2. 鲜花盛开:形容花朵盛开的美景。

3. 人才济济:形容人才众多、实力强大。

4. 天赋异禀:形容某人的天赋超群、与众不同。

5. 竞相斗艳:比喻美好事物竞相展示,争夺眼球。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. A profusion of flowers: describes a scene where flowers are abundant and colorful.

2. Flowers in full bloom: describes a scene where flowers are blooming.

3. An abundance of talents: describes a situation where there are many talented people with strong abilities.

4. Gifted and talented: describes someone with exceptional talents and uniqueness.

5. Competing for beauty: metaphorically describes the competition among beautiful things to catch people's attention.


