
英语听力2024-04-19 10:22:56小编




How to read: táolǐ niánhuá

Usage: 桃李年华一般用来形容人生中最美好、最充实的时光,也可以用来形容某个人在某个阶段或某段时间内取得的成就。

Example sentences:

1. 我们一起度过了青春岁月,那真是桃李年华啊。

We spent our youth together, it was truly the most beautiful time of our lives.

2. 她在大学期间参加了各种社团活动,真是把自己的桃李年华都用得淋漓尽致。

She participated in various club activities during her university years, making the most of her youth.

3. 那位老师在教书育人方面做出了巨大贡献,他的桃李年华可谓是非常丰富。

That teacher made great contributions in educating students, his youth was truly fulfilling.

4. 随着年龄的增长,我们不可避免地会失去一些桃李年华,但是我们要珍惜现在拥有的。

As we grow older, we will inevitably lose some of our youth, but we should cherish what we have now.

5. 我们的毕业典礼就像是我们桃李年华的结束,但也是新生活的开始。

Our graduation ceremony marks the end of our youth, but it is also the beginning of a new life.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 花样年华 (huāyàng niánhuá): refers to the most beautiful and vibrant time in one's life.

2. 金色年华 (jīnsè niánhuá): refers to a golden age or a time of great prosperity.

3. 青春岁月 (qīngchūn suìyuè): refers to one's youthful years.

4. 芳华岁月 (fānghuá suìyuè): refers to a time of beauty and vigor.

5. 壮年时期 (zhuàngnián shíqī): refers to one's prime years or period of strength.

Editor's summary:

