
英语听力2024-04-19 10:23:08小编


- 意思:指桃李芬芳,满天遍野,比喻优秀的人才或者学问广博的人散布于世间。

- 怎么读(音标):táo lǐ mǎn tiān xià

- 用法:作为名词使用,通常用来赞美某人的学识、才华或者影响力。

- 例句1:他是一位桃李满天下的教授,深受学生们的爱戴。

- Sentence 1: He is a renowned professor with extensive knowledge, loved by his students.

- 例句2:这位作家被誉为桃李满天下,他的作品影响了无数读者。

- Sentence 2: This writer is hailed as a literary giant, with his works influencing countless readers.

- 例句3:这个培养出了许多桃李满天下的科学家,为世界做出了重大贡献。

- Sentence 3: This country has produced many outstanding scientists who have made significant contributions to the world.

- 同义词及用法:杰出人物、博学之士、大家、泰斗

- Synonyms and usage: distinguished figure, learned scholar, expert, luminary

- 编辑总结:桃李满天下一词形象地描述了优秀人才或者知识渊博的人在世间的广泛影响力。它不仅可以用来赞美某人的才华,也可以用来形容某个领域的杰出人物。同时,它也是一种美好的愿景,希望更多的优秀人才能够脱颖而出,为社会做出更大贡献。
