
英语听力2024-04-19 11:36:03小编



英文释义:A forest is an ecosystem composed of a large number of trees, typically covering thousands of square kilometers. It is one of the most important ecosystems on Earth, providing many essential services for humans and other organisms.




1. The Amazon rainforest is the largest tropical forest in the world. 亚马逊雨林是世界上最大的热带雨林。

2. The government has implemented strict regulations to protect the forest from illegal logging. 已经实施严格的法规来保护森林免受非法伐木活动的影响。

3. We went for a hike in the forest and saw many different types of trees and animals. 我们去森林里远足,看到了许多不同种类的树木和动物。

4. The forest floor was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves. 森林地面被厚厚的落叶覆盖着。

5. The indigenous people have been living in harmony with the forest for generations. 这些土著人民与森林和谐共处已经有数代了。

五:同义词及用法:woods, woodland, jungle, rainforest, bush

woods和forest都指一片树木茂密的地区,但woods通常指较小的森林,而forest则更广泛地指任何规模的森林。:We went for a walk in the woods.(我们在树林里散步。)The Amazon rainforest is home to many rare species.(亚马逊雨林是许多稀有物种的家园。)

woodland指较小的森林,通常用来形容一片美丽、宁静的森林。:We had a picnic in the woodland near our house.(我们在我们家附近美丽宁静的小树林里野餐。)

jungle和rainforest都指热带雨林,但jungle更强调茂密,而rainforest则更强调多样性和生态。:We went on a safari through the jungle and saw many exotic animals.(我们穿越了茂密的丛林,在路上看到了许多奇特的动物。)The Amazon rainforest is known for its rich biodiversity.(亚马逊雨林以其丰富的生物多样性而闻名。)

bush指矮小的树木和灌木,通常生长在荒野或沙漠地区。:We set up our tent in the middle of the bush.(我们在荒野搭起了帐篷。)

