
英语听力2024-04-19 18:02:13小编


一:水土不服是指身体对新环境中的水土产生不适应或不适的现象,也可以用来形容人在陌生环境中感到不舒服或不习惯。英文翻译为"not acclimated to the local climate and soil"。

二:怎么读(音标):shuǐ tǔ bù fú,[ʂweɪ tuː puː fuː]。



1. 他刚来这里,还没有完全适应当地的气候和饮食习惯,总是觉得水土不服。

He has just arrived here and hasn't fully adapted to the local climate and dietary habits. He always feels uncomfortable.

2. 在国外留学的第一年,我经常感到水土不服,但随着时间的推移,我慢慢地适应了这里的生活。

In my first year of studying abroad, I often felt uncomfortable due to the change of environment, but as time went by, I gradually adapted to the life here.

3. 这位外国客人来到后,因为饮食和气候上的差异,他也有些水土不服。

After this foreign guest arrived in China, he also felt a little uncomfortable due to the differences in food and climate.

4. 我们应该给外来的员工一些时间,让他们适应新的工作环境,避免他们因为水土不服而影响工作效率。

We should give new employees some time to adapt to the new working environment, so as to avoid their work efficiency being affected by discomfort.

5. 这个城市的气候和生活习惯跟我之前生活的地方完全不同,所以我刚来的时候也有些水土不服。

The climate and lifestyle of this city are completely different from where I used to live, so I also felt a little uncomfortable when I first came here.


1. 不适应(not adapted):指身体或心理无法适应新环境,与水土不服意思相近。

2. 不习惯(not accustomed):指对某种事物或环境没有习惯性的反应,也可以用来形容水土不服。

3. 不顺利(not going smoothly):指事物发展或进行过程中出现困难或阻碍,也可以用来描述人在新环境中遇到困难。

4. 不舒服(uncomfortable):指身体或心理感受到不舒适的状态,与水土不服意思相近。

5. 不适宜(not suitable):指某种环境或条件不适合某人,也可以用来形容水土不服。

