
英语听力2024-04-19 23:18:30小编




A spring is a source of water, usually referring to a natural water source with abundant water flow or an artificially dug well. It can provide fresh drinking water and also be used for irrigation or supplying water for urban residents.


/ kwɛn /



As a noun, spring can refer to a natural phenomenon or a man-made facility. It can also be used as a verb to mean gush, spurt, or flow out.


1. The hikers quenched their thirst at the cool spring. (徒步旅行者在清凉的泉水中解渴。)

2. The village relies on the nearby spring for its water supply. (村子依赖附近的泉水来供应水源。)

3. The hot springs in this area are famous for their healing properties. (这个地区的温泉因其治疗功效而闻名。)

4. The old well has dried up, but a new spring has been discovered nearby. (老井已经干涸,但附近了一处新的泉水。)

5. The water from the spring is so pure that it doesn't need to be filtered. (泉水非常纯净,不需要过滤。)


1. Fountain: a structure that sends water into the air in a decorative way, often found in parks or gardens.

2. Well: a deep hole in the ground that contains water, usually dug by humans for drinking or irrigation purposes.

3. Source: a place where something comes from, such as a spring or river.

4. Geyser: a hot spring that periodically erupts, shooting hot water and steam into the air.

5. Spout: to flow out with force and in a steady stream, similar to how water flows from a spring.


