
英语听力2024-04-20 04:03:01小编




The messenger of the Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days refers to a mythical creature, said to be the balancer between chaos and order, possessing immense power and wisdom. It is regarded as the most powerful being in the universe, controlling the cycle of life and death and the fate of all things. In ancient myths and legends, the Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days is often depicted as a giant dragon with unimaginable abilities.


[hún duǒ dì lóng - zhōng yān de shǐ zhě]



The Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days is often used to describe qualities such as immense power, extraordinary wisdom, and control over the fate of all things. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone or something with exceptional abilities and influence.


1. 传说中,混沌帝龙-终焉的使者是宇宙间最强大的存在。

Legend has it that the Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days is the most powerful being in the universe.

2. 据说混沌帝龙-终焉的使者可以掌控生死轮回。

It is said that the Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days can control the cycle of life and death.

3. 这个故事讲述了一位勇士与混沌帝龙-终焉的使者之间的战斗。

This story tells of a battle between a warrior and the Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days.

4. 混沌帝龙-终焉的使者被视为秩序与混沌之间的平衡者。

The Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days is regarded as the balancer between order and chaos.

5. 在古代神话中,混沌帝龙-终焉的使者被描绘为一条巨大无比、力量无穷、智慧超凡的巨龙。

In ancient myths, the Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days is depicted as a giant, immensely powerful and wise dragon.



Synonyms for the Chaos Emperor Dragon - End of Days include "King of the Universe", "Master of All Things", "God of Heaven and Earth", etc. They all represent an immensely powerful being, controlling the fate of the universe and all things.


