
英语听力2024-04-20 12:05:43小编




A fire starter is a tool used to ignite flames, usually made of metal with a long handle and a spoon-shaped end. It is primarily used to light candles, torches, incense, and other items, but can also be used to light matches and campfires. This is a convenient and practical tool commonly found in homes, restaurants, hotels, and other places.


rán shāo chí (rán shāo chí)




Fire starters are usually made of metal materials with high temperature resistance and corrosion resistance. When using, the spoon-shaped end is inserted into the item that needs to be ignited, and then controlled through the handle to come into contact with a flame or create sparks to light the item.

Safety precautions should be taken when using, such as avoiding flammable materials or using indoors. After use, the fire starter should be placed in a safe place to cool down and kept away from children or pets.


1. 他用燃烧匙点燃了蜡烛,为生日蛋糕增添了浪漫气息。

He used a fire starter to light the candle, adding a romantic touch to the birthday cake.

2. 这家餐厅的服务员总是手持一把燃烧匙,随时为顾客点燃香。

The waiter at this restaurant always carries a fire starter to light incense for customers.

3. 在野外露营时,一把可靠的燃烧匙是必不可少的工具。

A reliable fire starter is an essential tool when camping in the wilderness.

4. 她用一把小巧的镀金燃烧匙点亮了房间里所有的蜡烛。

She used a small gilded fire starter to light all the candles in the room.

5. 请小心使用燃烧匙,避免引发火灾。

Please use the fire starter carefully to avoid starting a fire.


1. 火柴 (huǒ chái):一种用于点火的小木棍,常见于家庭和户外活动中。

2. 打火机 (dǎ huǒ jī):一种用于点燃物品的小型便携式工具,通常由金属制成,可反复使用。

3. 火把 (huǒ bǎ):一种用于照明或点燃物品的长柄火焰工具,通常由木材或塑料制成。

4. 火钳 (huǒ qián):一种类似于匙形的工具,主要用于夹取物品或调节火焰大小。

5. 火机 (huǒ jī):一种可充电或使用气体作为燃料的便携式点火工具。


