
英语听力2024-04-20 12:06:16小编




The meaning of "燎原" is a Chinese word that describes a fierce and rapidly spreading fire. In ancient times, people often used this word to describe the situation of fires or wars, and it can also be used to describe the rapid spread of something.


liao3 yuan2



As a verb, it can be used to describe the rapid spread of fire or war. As a noun, it can refer to the situation of fires or wars. In addition, it can also be used as a metaphor for something that spreads quickly or has a strong influence.


1. 火势猛烈,很快就燎原了整个村庄。

The fire was fierce and quickly spread throughout the village.

2. 战争的烽火已经燎原,我们必须做好准备。

The flames of war have already spread, we must be prepared.

3. 这场像野火一样燎原,我们需要采取措施来它。

This epidemic is spreading like wildfire, we need to take measures to control it.

4. 这部电影的成功让其主演的知名度迅速燎原。

The success of this movie has quickly propelled its lead actor to fame.

5. 这个谣言在社交媒体上迅速燎原,引发了公众的恐慌。

This rumor quickly spread on social media and caused public panic.


1. 蔓延:形容火势、战争或其他事物迅速扩散。

2. 扩散:指火势、气味等向四周蔓延或传播。

3. 肆虐:形容某种灾难、战争等带来的强大影响或伤害。

4. 弥漫:形容气味、光线等弥漫在空间中。

5. 横行:指某种事物在一定范围内肆意蔓延或扩散。

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 蔓延: Describes the rapid spread of fire, war or other things.

2. 扩散: Refers to the spread or propagation of fire, smell, etc. to the surroundings.

3. 肆虐: Describes the strong impact or harm caused by disasters, wars, etc.

4. 弥漫: Describes smells, light, etc. spreading throughout a space.

5. 横行: Refers to something spreading or proliferating within a certain range.


