wù yǐ xī wéi guì (wù yǐ xī wéi guì)
1. 这幅画是一位著名画家的作品,因其罕见的艺术风格而被收藏家们视为“物以稀为贵”的珍品。(This painting is a work of a famous artist and is considered a rare treasure by collectors due to its unique artistic style.)
2. 在这个社会上,真正的友谊是“物以稀为贵”的。(In this society, true friendship is rare and precious.)
3. 这家公司生产的手工艺品都是独一无二的,因此价格都很高,确实是“物以稀为贵”。(The handicrafts produced by this company are all one-of-a-kind, so the prices are high and truly reflect the concept of "rarity is precious".)
4. 随着资源的日益匮乏,人们开始意识到“物以稀为贵”的重要性。(As resources become increasingly scarce, people are beginning to realize the importance of "rarity is precious".)
5. 这款手机因其限量版的设计而备受追捧,真可以说是“物以稀为贵”。(This phone is in high demand due to its limited edition design, truly embodying the concept of "rarity is precious".)
1. 稀缺 (xī quē):指数量少,供不应求的情况。
2. 珍贵 (zhēn guì):指价值高,难以获得的东西。
3. 宝贵 (bǎo guì):指具有极高价值和重要性的东西。
4. 稀有 (xī yǒu):指罕见、珍稀的东西。
5. 独一无二 (dú yī wú èr):指独特、无与伦比的东西。