
英语听力2024-04-20 17:54:03小编




A toy box is a container specifically designed for storing toys. It is usually made of plastic, wood or cardboard and helps keep toys organized and easily accessible for children. In daily life, a toy box can also refer to a small box used by children to decorate their rooms or store special toys.


/toi bɑːks/



Toy boxes are essential household items in children's rooms and can be placed on the floor, under the bed or in the wardrobe. They help children develop good organizational habits and keep their rooms tidy. Some specially designed toy boxes can also serve as decorations in children's rooms, adding color and fun to the space.


1. 孩子们每天玩耍完毕,都会把玩具放回玩具盒里。

Children put their toys back in the toy box after playing every day.

2. 这个玩具盒可以轻松地装下所有的积木。

This toy box can easily hold all the building blocks.

3. 她收到了一个精美的玩具盒作为生日礼物。

She received a beautiful toy box as a birthday gift.

4. 我们需要购买一个新的玩具盒来存放孩子们的玩具。

We need to buy a new toy box to store our children's toys.

5. 儿童房间里的这个彩色玩具盒吸引了孩子们的注意力。

The colorful toy box in the children's room caught the attention of the kids.


除了toy box,还有一些其他词汇可以用来指代类似的容器,如toy chest、toy bin、toy organizer等。它们都可以用来存放儿童的玩具,但稍有不同。

Toy chest通常指较大、更为精致的储物箱,通常由木材制成,可以用来存放更多和更大型的玩具。Toy bin则是指类似于垃圾桶的储物容器,可以放置在地面上或床下,用来收纳小型玩具。Toy organizer则是一种特殊设计的储物架,可以帮助孩子将玩具分类整理。

Other words that can be used to refer to similar containers include toy chest, toy bin, toy organizer, etc. They can all be used to store children's toys, but with slight differences.

Toy chest usually refers to a larger and more delicate storage box made of wood, which can hold more and larger toys. Toy bin is similar to a trash can and can be placed on the floor or under the bed to store small toys. Toy organizer is a specially designed storage rack that helps children categorize and organize their toys.


玩具盒是一种非常实用的家居用品,能够帮助孩子们养成良好的收纳习惯,并且保持房间整洁。它还可以作为儿童房间的装饰品,增添房间的色彩和趣味性。除了toy box外,还有一些类似的词汇可以指代类似功能的容器。在使用玩具盒时,建议家长们要注意选择合适尺寸和材质,并教育孩子们正确使用和收纳玩具。
