
英语听力2024-04-22 02:05:09小编




Old lecher (n.) refers to an older man who enjoys pursuing younger women, with strong sexual desires and immoral behaviors. It can also be used to describe men who like to flirt with women, engage in inappropriate sexual activities, or have improper conduct towards women.


老色狼 (lǎo sè láng)



Old lecher is usually used as a derogatory term to describe men with immoral sexual behaviors. It can be used as a noun and an adjective, and can also be used to modify other nouns, such as "old lecherous behavior" and "old lecherous actions".


1. 那个老色狼经常在街上调戏年轻女孩。

That old lecher often flirts with young girls on the street.

2. 我的邻居是个老色狼,经常在公园里盯着年轻女性。

My neighbor is an old lecher, always staring at young women in the park.

3. 这部电影中的男主角被描绘成一个老色狼,总是跟年轻女演员搞暧昧。

The male lead in this movie is portrayed as an old lecher, always flirting with young actresses.

4. 他的老色狼行为让他失去了很多朋友。

His old lecherous behavior has cost him a lot of friends.

5. 她对那个老色狼的举动感到恶心,决定不再和他见面。

She was disgusted by the old lecher's actions and decided not to meet him again.


1. 老流氓 (lǎo liú máng):指有着不良性行为、品行不端的男人。可以用来替换老色狼。

2. 老色鬼 (lǎo sè guǐ):也是指有着不正当性行为、喜欢调戏女性的男人。与老色狼意思相近。

3. 猥亵者 (sè qíng wěi xié zhě):指从事或喜欢看黄色内容、有着不正当性行为的人。可以用来形容老色狼的行为。

1. Old pervert: refers to a man with immoral sexual behaviors and improper conduct. It can be used as a substitute for old lecher.

2. Old lech: also refers to a man who engages in inappropriate sexual activities and likes to flirt with women. Similar in meaning to old lecher.

3. Sexual harasser: refers to someone who engages in or enjoys watching pornographic content and has improper sexual behaviors. Can be used to describe the actions of old lechers.


