How to pronounce: [jún hàn nián jiǎn]
Usage: 联合年检通常由部门、行业监管、专业检测等组成联合检查团队,对企业或的生产经营、质量安全、环境保护等方面进行综合性的检查和评估。
Example sentences:
1. 今年的联合年检将于下个月开始,我们需要做好相关准备工作。
This year's joint annual inspection will start next month, and we need to prepare for it.
2. 根据规定,所有企业都必须接受联合年检,以确保其经营活动符合法律法规。
According to regulations, all enterprises must undergo joint annual inspections to ensure their business activities comply with laws and regulations.
3. 联合年检了该公司存在严重的环境问题,将被处以重罚。
The joint annual inspection found serious environmental violations in the company, which will be heavily fined.
4. 每年进行一次联合年检是企业履行社会责任和维护公共利益的重要举措。
Conducting a joint annual inspection every year is an important measure for enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities and safeguard public interests.
5. 联合年检的结果显示,该企业在安全生产方面存在严重漏洞,需要立即整改。
The results of the joint annual inspection showed that the company had serious loopholes in safety production and needed immediate rectification.
Synonyms and usage: 联合年检可以与“联合审查”、“联合检查”等表达同一意思,也可以用“年度综合评估”、“全面检验”等表达。在法律行业中,也常用“联合执法”来指代类似的联合行动。
Editor's summary: 联合年检是部门和相关对企业或进行综合性检查和评估的重要手段,旨在保障公共利益和公众安全。它的重要性不仅体现在问题和保障社会稳定方面,也体现在促进企业规范经营、履行社会责任的作用上。