
英语听力2024-04-22 03:29:05小编


1. 聪慧是指具有智慧和理解力的能力,能够快速地学习和理解新知识,以及灵活地运用已有的知识和经验来解决问题。在人类社会中,聪慧是一种非常重要的品质,它可以帮助人们取得成功并获得尊重。

How to pronounce: cōng huì [kʰʊŋ˥˩ xweɪ˧˥]

Usage: "聪慧" can be used as a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it refers to the ability of being intelligent and wise. As an adjective, it describes someone who possesses this ability.

Example sentences:

1. 她从小就展现出非凡的聪慧,在学校里总是成绩优异。

She has shown extraordinary intelligence since she was young, always achieving excellent results in school.

2. 这个年轻人虽然没有受过正规教育,但却拥有惊人的聪慧。

Although this young man has not received formal education, he possesses astonishing intelligence.

3. 她的聪慧使她在工作中总能找到最有效的解决方案。

Her intelligence enables her to always find the most effective solutions at work.

4. 聪慧的领导者会充分利用团队成员的特长来达成共同目标。

A wise leader will make full use of the strengths of team members to achieve common goals.

5. 那位科学家因其聪慧和勤奋而被称为“天才”。

The scientist is known as a "genius" for his intelligence and hard work.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 聪明 (cōng míng): This word can be used as a synonym for "聪慧", but it generally refers to someone who is clever and quick-witted.

2. 智慧 (zhì huì): This word also means intelligence, but it has a stronger connotation of wisdom and insight.

3. 睿智 (ruì zhì): This word refers to someone who is wise and has good judgment.

4. 聪颖 (cōng yǐng): This word describes someone who is naturally intelligent and has a sharp mind.

5. 聪敏 (cōng mǐn): This word refers to someone who is quick-witted and has the ability to learn quickly.

Editor's summary:

