
英语听力2024-04-22 17:40:15小编



英文解释:Snake refers to a class of reptiles with a long, flexible body and no limbs. They are usually covered in scales and some species are venomous. Snakes typically feed on other animals, although some species also eat plants. They are found all over the world and are considered ancient and mysterious creatures.

二:怎么读(音标):shé (sh-uh)



1. The zoo has a wide variety of snakes on display. 动物园里展示了各种各样的蛇。

2. She is as sly as a snake, always plotting behind others' backs. 她像条蛇一样狡诈,总是在别人背后策划。

3. The patient was bitten by a venomous snake and had to be rushed to the hospital. 病人被毒蛇咬伤,必须立即送往医院。

4. The snake slithered through the grass silently, hunting for its next prey. 蛇在草丛中无声地滑行,寻找下一顿的猎物。

5. The doctor injected the antivenom to counteract the snake's poison. 医生注射了解毒剂来抵消蛇的毒素。


1. Serpent: another word for snake, often used in a more poetic or literary context.

2. Reptile: a general term for cold-blooded animals with scales, including snakes.

3. Viper: a type of venomous snake with long, hinged fangs.

4. Cobra: a type of venomous snake known for its hood and ability to spit venom.

5. Python: a large species of non-venomous snakes that kill their prey by constriction.


