
英语听力2024-04-22 22:47:00小编



How to read: guān cháo (pinyin)


1. 观潮可以用来形容在海滩或者海边等地方观察潮汐的变化。

2. 这个词也可以用来比喻观察事物的变化或者趋势。

Example sentences:

1. 我们去海边观潮,看着大浪一波一波地涌上岸边。

We went to the beach to watch the tides, watching the waves crashing onto the shore one after another.

2. 他喜欢在黄昏时分去沙滩上观潮,感受大自然的美妙。

He enjoys going to the beach at dusk to watch the tides and feel the beauty of nature.

3. 我们可以通过观潮来预测未来发展的趋势。

We can predict future trends by observing changes.

4. 这个城市发展迅速,每天都有新鲜事物出现,我们需要时刻保持惕,不断观潮。

This city is developing rapidly, with new things happening every day. We need to stay vigilant and constantly observe changes.

5. 他是一个善于观潮的人,总能抓住时代的脉搏。

He is a person who is good at observing changes and always captures the pulse of the times.

Synonyms and Usage:

1. 观察潮汐的变化 - observe the change of tides

2. 观察事物的变化或者趋势 - observe changes or trends in things

3. 预测未来发展的趋势 - predict future trends

4. 保持惕 - stay vigilant

5. 抓住时代的脉搏 - capture the pulse of the times

Editor's Summary:

