
英语听力2024-04-23 00:57:02小编




Mockery is a form of contemptuous laughter directed at someone or something. It can be used to express negative emotions such as dissatisfaction, disgust, or jealousy, as well as to tease and make fun of others. In Chinese culture, mockery is often seen as impolite behavior and should be used with caution.


讪笑 [shàn xiào]



As a verb, 讪笑 can describe someone's behavior or attitude, or refer to someone being mocked or teased by others. As a noun, it can indicate an action or emotion.


1. 她听到他们在背后讪笑她,心里感到十分难过。

She felt really upset when she heard them mocking her behind her back.

2. 他的讪笑让我感到很不舒服。

His sneering laughter made me feel very uncomfortable.

3. 她被同事们的讪笑弄得很尴尬。

She was embarrassed by her colleagues' mockery.

4. 不要总是对别人的缺点嘲笑,这样做很不礼貌。

It's impolite to constantly mock others' flaws.

5. 她用讪笑的语气说:“你觉得自己很了不起吗?”

She said with a sneer, "Do you think you're so great?"


1. 嘲笑 (cháo xiào):指以嘲弄、取笑的方式来表达不满或轻蔑。

2. 讥讽 (jī fěng):指以嘲讽、挖苦的方式来表达不满或调侃。

3. 嘲讽 (cháo fěng):指以嘲弄、挖苦的方式来表达不满或调侃。

4. 调侃 (diào kǎn):指以幽默、轻松的方式来开玩笑或取笑。

5. 戏谑 (xì xù):指以幽默、玩笑的方式来开玩笑。

1. Mock (cháo xiào): to express dissatisfaction or contempt in a mocking or teasing way.

2. Satire (jī fěng): to express dissatisfaction or make fun of someone in a sarcastic way.

3. Ridicule (cháo fěng): to express dissatisfaction or make fun of someone in a mocking or sarcastic way.

4. Tease (diào kǎn): to joke or make fun of someone in a humorous and lighthearted way.

5. Banter (xì xù): to joke or make fun of someone in a playful and humorous manner.


