
英语听力2024-04-23 09:04:03小编



How to pronounce: Chāo biāo chāo zǒng liàng qíngkuàng




1. 污水处理厂排放的废水中铅含量已经超过了规定的限制,属于超标超总量情况。

The lead content in the wastewater discharged from the sewage treatment plant has exceeded the national limit, which is considered as a case of exceeding standards and total amount.

2. 最近发生的食品安全引起了公众对食品安全监管部门是否能有效防止超标超总量情况的担忧。

The recent food safety incidents have raised concerns among the public about whether the food safety regulatory authorities can effectively prevent cases of exceeding standards and total amount.

3. 工厂排放大量有害气体已经导致空气质量严重下降,属于典型的超标超总量情况。

The emission of a large amount of harmful gases from the factory has led to a severe decline in air quality, which is a typical case of exceeding standards and total amount.

4. 为了避免超标超总量情况的发生,部门出台了严格的环境保护法规。

In order to prevent cases of exceeding standards and total amount, the government has enacted strict environmental protection regulations.

5. 这家公司因为在生产过程中超标排放污染物而被罚款,违反了环保部门制定的规定,属于超标超总量情况。

This company was fined for exceeding the standard in the emission of pollutants during production, which violated the regulations set by the environmental protection department and is considered as a case of exceeding standards and total amount.


1. 超量 (chāo liàng): 与“超标”相似,但更强调数量或含量的增加。

2. 超限 (chāo xiàn): 指某一物质或指标超过了规定的限制。

3. 超载 (chāo zài): 主要用于描述运输工具所装载的货物或人员超过额定载重量。

4. 超负荷 (chāo fù hè): 指承载能力已经达到或超过极限,无法再继续增加。


