近水楼台先得月(jìn shuǐ lóu tái xiān dé yuè)
读音:[jìn shuǐ lóu tái xiān dé yuè]
1. 在商业竞争激烈的市场上,只有那些能够抢占先机、拥有优势资源的企业才能获得成功。近水楼台先得月,这句话真是一点都不假。
In the fiercely competitive market, only those companies that can seize the opportunity and have advantageous resources can succeed. As the saying goes, "near water, one will get the moon first", which is absolutely true.
2. 在考试中,那些提前准备充分、掌握重点知识的学生往往能够取得好成绩。近水楼台先得月,在学习上也是如此。
In exams, those students who have prepared well and mastered the key knowledge tend to get good grades. As the saying goes, "near water, one will get the moon first", this also applies to studying.
3. 在选择办公室位置时,我们应该考虑到靠近水源的地方会更加舒适和有利。近水楼台先得月,这样的位置也会给员工带来更好的工作体验。
When choosing an office location, we should consider that a place near water sources will be more comfortable and advantageous. As the saying goes, "near water, one will get the moon first", such a location can also bring a better working experience for employees.
4. 在足球比赛中,那些能够抢占先机、积极进攻的球队往往能够取得胜利。近水楼台先得月,在体育竞技中也是如此。
In football matches, teams that can seize the opportunity and actively attack often win. As the saying goes, "near water, one will get the moon first", this also applies to sports competitions.
5. 在人际关系中,那些善于抓住机会、拥有优势资源的人往往能够获得更多的机会和成功。近水楼台先得月,在社交场合也是如此。
In interpersonal relationships, those who are good at seizing opportunities and have advantageous resources often have more opportunities and success. As the saying goes, "near water, one will get the moon first", this also applies to social occasions.
1. 先发制人(xiān fā zhì rén):比喻在竞争中先下手为强,抢占先机。
2. 先下手为强(xiān xià shǒu wéi qiáng):比喻在竞争中抢占先机、采取行动。
3. 占得先机(zhàn dé xiān jī):比喻抢占了有利的位置或优势。
4. 先来后到(xiān lái hòu dào):指按照时间顺序来排列。