
英语听力2024-04-23 14:21:00小编




Return to simplicity and truthfulness means to go back to the most primitive and pure state, free from complex external influences and return to the essence. In life, we often lose ourselves and forget our original goals and aspirations due to various factors. Returning to simplicity and truthfulness is about rediscovering the innocence and simplicity deep within us.


[ fǎn pú guī zhēn ]



Return to simplicity and truthfulness can be used to describe people, things or emotions. When people feel overwhelmed by stress or complexity in life, they can choose to return to simplicity and truthfulness, let go of external burdens, and re-examine their inner needs. It can also be used to describe things that return to their essence and restore their original state.


1. 她决定放下一切,返璞归真,重新审视自己的人生。She decided to let go of everything, return to simplicity and truthfulness, and re-examine her life.

2. 这部电影讲述了一个成功商人因为厌倦现在的生活而选择返璞归真的故事。This film tells the story of a successful businessman who chooses to return to simplicity and truthfulness because he is tired of his current life.

3. 随着社会的发展,越来越多的人开始追求简单、朴素的生活方式,返璞归真成为了一种时尚。With the development of society, more and more people are pursuing a simple and plain way of life, making returning to simplicity and truthfulness a fashion trend.

4. 这个小村庄保留着最原始的风土人情,让人感受到一种返璞归真的美好。This small village retains the most primitive customs, giving people a sense of returning to simplicity and truthfulness.

5. 在这个喧嚣复杂的都市,我渴望能够找到一片宁静的天地,返璞归真。In this noisy and complex city, I long for a peaceful place where I can return to simplicity and truthfulness.


1. 回归本真:指回到最本真、最纯粹的状态,与返璞归真意思相近。

2. 归于本源:指事物回归到最原始、最基础的状态,与返璞归真意思相似。

3. 返朴还淳:指回归朴素、质朴的生活方式,与返璞归真含义相近。

4. 回复本来面目:指恢复事物最初的样子,与返璞归真意思类似。

5. 重拾初心:指重新找回最初的目标和初衷,也可以用来形容返璞归真的含义。


