
英语听力2024-04-23 14:58:00小编




Far away, close at hand. This phrase refers to a great distance that cannot be touched or seen; close by, within easy reach. It is often used to describe the distance of things, and can also be used as a metaphor for a certain emotion or situation.


远在天边: yuǎn zài tiān biān

近在眼前: jìn zài yǎn qián



This phrase is usually used as an adjective phrase and can be used as the subject, object or attributive in a sentence. It can be used to describe the distance relationship between objects or things, and can also express the state of a certain emotion or situation.


1. 那座山峰远在天边,我们无法到达。

That mountain peak is far away, we cannot reach it.

2. 虽然他们身处异地,但他们的友谊近在眼前。

Although they are in different places, their friendship is close at hand.

3. 这部电影让我感受到了爱情的远在天边,却又近在眼前。

This movie made me feel that love is far away but close at hand.

4. 我们要学会欣赏身边的美好,因为幸福就近在眼前。

We should learn to appreciate the beauty around us, because happiness is close at hand.

5. 他的梦想虽然远在天边,但他仍然坚持不懈地追逐。

Although his dream is far away, he still perseveres in pursuing it.


1. 遥不可及:指距离非常遥远,无法触及或达到。常用来形容某种目标或理想。

2. 近在咫尺:指距离很近,可以轻易触及。常用来形容某种机会或事物。

3. 远近皆是:指距离无关紧要,可以是很远也可以是很近。常用来形容某种选择或可能性。

1. Out of reach: refers to a very far distance that cannot be touched or reached. It is often used to describe a certain goal or ideal.

2. Within reach: refers to a very close distance that can be easily touched. It is often used to describe a certain opportunity or thing.

3. Both far and near: refers to the distance being irrelevant, it can be either far or near. It is often used to describe a certain choice or possibility.


