
英语听力2024-04-23 22:45:10小编



英文释义:To exchange or purchase alcohol with valuable items, particularly with a golden sable fur. This phrase originates from an ancient Chinese story in which a person traded their most precious possession, a golden sable fur, for fine wine.

二:怎么读(音标):jīn diāo qǔ jiǔ (jīn: j as in "jet", ī as in "eat", n as in "nose"; diāo: d as in "dog", iāo as in " ming"; qǔ: q as in "cheese", ǔ as in "oo" in "book"; jiǔ: j as in "jet", iǔ as in "ew" in "few")



1. 他为了得到那瓶稀有的美酒,不惜用自己最珍贵的画作金貂取酒。

He traded his most valuable painting for that rare bottle of wine.

2. 她用金貂取酒,换来了一瓶价值连城的香槟。

She exchanged a golden sable fur for a bottle of priceless champagne.

3. 他为了满足自己的贪欲,不惜用金貂取酒,最终导致财产尽失。

In order to satisfy his greed, he traded his golden sable fur for alcohol, which eventually led to him losing all his wealth.

4. 这个古老的故事告诉我们,有时候为了得到一样宝贵的东西,我们必须付出代价,就像金貂取酒一样。

This ancient story tells us that sometimes we have to pay a price in order to obtain something precious, just like trading a golden sable fur for wine.

5. 他们通过金貂取酒来庆祝这个重要的日子。

They celebrated this important day by exchanging a golden sable fur for alcohol.




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