
英语听力2024-04-24 03:06:03小编




The word "闺" is a Chinese term that refers to a woman's private room or a room exclusively for females. In ancient times, the "闺房" referred to the place where women lived, also known as the "inner chamber" or "deep boudoir". In modern times, "闺房" generally refers to a woman's bedroom or personal space.


闺 (guī)



As a noun, "闺" can be used to describe a woman's private space or bedroom. It can also be used to describe the restricted life of women at home. In addition, in traditional Chinese culture, there are idioms such as "闭门不出" (refusing to go out) and "闭门读书" (studying at home) that are related to "闺".


1. 她的闺房装饰得非常精致,充满了女性的温柔气息。(Her boudoir is decorated very delicately, filled with the gentle atmosphere of a woman.)

2. 在古代,女性被限制在闺房里,不能参与社会活动。(In ancient times, women were confined to the boudoir and were not allowed to participate in social activities.)

3. 她每天都会花几个小时在闺房里阅读书籍。(She spends a few hours every day reading books in her boudoir.)

4. 她的闺密是她最好的朋友,她们分享着彼此的秘密。(Her closest female friend is her best friend, and they share each other's secrets.)

5. 在传统文化中,女性被认为应该守在闺房里,照顾家庭和孩子。(In traditional Chinese culture, women are expected to stay in the boudoir and take care of the household and children.)


1. 女室(nǚ shì):指女性居住的地方或私人空间。

2. 内室(nèi shì):指女性居住的地方或私人空间。

3. 深闺(shēn guī):指女性居住的地方或私人空间,也可以用来形容女子生活隐密、不为人知。

4. 女子私室(nǚ zǐ sī shì):指女性居住的私人空间。

5. 女性专用房间(nǚ xìng zhuān yòng fáng jiān):指专门为女性设计的房间。

1. 女室 (nǚ shì): refers to the place where women live or their personal space.

2. 内室 (nèi shì): refers to the place where women live or their personal space.

3. 深闺 (shēn guī): refers to the place where women live or their personal space, and can also be used to describe a woman's secretive and unknown life.

4. 女子私室 (nǚ zǐ sī shì): refers to a woman's private space.

5. 女性专用房间 (nǚ xìng zhuān yòng fáng jiān): refers to a room specially designed for women.


