
英语听力2024-04-24 05:35:03小编



How to pronounce: yǐn rěn bù fā (yin2 ren3 bu4 fa1)



Example sentences:

1. 他在被老板无端指责时,隐忍不发,最终成功地解决了误会。

He remained calm and composed when being unfairly accused by his boss, and eventually resolved the misunderstanding.

2. 她对邻居高声吵架时,总是能够隐忍不发,让双方都平静下来。

She always manages to stay calm and composed when her neighbors are having a loud argument, which helps to calm both parties down.

3. 在面对歧视性言论时,我们应该学会隐忍不发,并用理性的方式来反驳。

When faced with discriminatory remarks, we should learn to remain calm and use rational arguments to counter them.

4. 他的隐忍不发让他赢得了同事们的尊重,大家都愿意与他合作。

His ability to stay calm and composed has earned him the respect of his colleagues, who are willing to work with him.

5. 隐忍不发并不意味着软弱,而是一种智慧和内心的力量。

Being able to remain calm and composed does not mean weakness, but rather a sign of wisdom and inner strength.

Synonyms and usage:

1. 克制自己的情绪 (control one's emotions)

2. 冷静和理智 (calm and rational)

3. 保持镇定 (stay composed)

4. 能够应对挑衅 (able to handle provocation)

5. 解决问题 (resolve conflicts)

Editor's note:

