1. 作动词时,常用于“靠着”、“靠在”等短语中。
2. 作名词时,常用于“一靠”、“两靠”等短语中。
1. 他一直都是靠着自己的努力取得成功的。
He has always relied on his own efforts to achieve success.
2. 她累得不行,只好靠在墙上休息一会儿。
She was so tired that she had to lean against the wall for a rest.
3. 这个项目的成败全靠你了。
The success or failure of this project depends entirely on you.
4. 我们需要找几个可靠的人来帮忙。
We need to find some reliable people to help us.
5. 这座桥的两端都有两根大柱子做为支撑。
There are two pillars at each end of this bridge for support.
1. 依赖(yīlài):动词,表示信任、仰赖、指望的意思。也可作名词,表示信任、仰赖的对象或事物。
例句:他总是过分地依赖别人,需要学会独立生活。He always relies too much on others and needs to learn to live independently.
2. 倚靠(yǐkào):动词,表示依靠、依赖的意思。也可作名词,表示倚靠的对象或事物。
例句:她在困难时总是倚靠着家人的支持。She always relies on the support of her family when she is in trouble.
3. 依靠(yīkào):动词,表示信任、仰赖、指望的意思。也可作名词,表示信任、仰赖的对象或事物。
例句:他一直都是依靠自己的能力取得成功。He has always relied on his own abilities to achieve success.
4. 支撑(zhīchēng):动词,表示支持、支撑的意思。也可作名词,表示支撑的物体。
例句:这根柱子能够支撑整个屋顶。This pillar can support the entire roof.
5. 扶持(fúchí):动词,表示支持、扶助的意思。
例句:应该扶持贫困地区发展经济。The government should support the development of the economy in impoverished areas.