英文释义:a situation in which things develop rapidly, the situation changes dramatically, and the situation changes drastically. It is usually used to describe a powerful force or event that has a significant impact and can cause great changes.
[fēng qǐ yún yǒng]
1. 随着新技术的推广,电子商务行业正在风起云涌。
With the promotion of new technologies, the e-commerce industry is booming.
2. 这场比赛中,两支球队展开了一场激烈的较量,场面十分风起云涌。
In this game, the two teams engaged in a fierce competition, the scene was very turbulent.
3. 这个正处于经济风起云涌的时期,发展前景十分广阔。
This country is in a period of rapid economic development, with a bright future.
4. 由于的变化,房地产市场出现了风起云涌的局面。
Due to changes in policies, the real estate market has experienced a turbulent situation.
5. 在这个充满机遇和挑战的时代,我们必须紧跟时代的步伐,抓住每一个风起云涌的机会。
In this era full of opportunities and challenges, we must keep pace with the times and seize every opportunity that comes our way.
1. 局势剧变:形容局势发生重大变化,常用来指、经济等方面的变化。
2. 剧烈动荡:形容局势或者发展迅速、剧烈,常用来指社会动荡、斗争等情况。
3. 动荡不安:形容社会或者环境不稳定,常用来指、叛乱等引发的混乱局面。
4. 惊涛骇浪:比喻事物发展迅速、剧烈,常用来形容自然灾害或者社会动荡。
5. 火烧连营:比喻事物发展迅速、影响范围广,常用来形容连续发生的。