风靡(fēng mǐ):指某种事物在一段时间内广为流行、受欢迎的状态,也可以指某种风格或风气在一定范围内盛行的现象。
读音:fēng mǐ [fɤ̄ŋ mì]
1. 这首歌曲在年轻人中间非常风靡,每个人都能唱出它的歌词。
This song is very popular among young people, everyone can sing its lyrics.
2. 这款手机因其独特的设计和功能,在市场上迅速风靡,销量节节攀升。
This phone has become wildly popular in the market due to its unique design and features, with sales soaring.
3. 最近,一种新型的健身方式正在各大城市风靡,越来越多的人开始加入其中。
Recently, a new type of fitness method is becoming popular in major cities in China, and more and more people are joining in.
4. 他是当今最具影响力的时尚设计师之一,他的作品总是能够引领时尚潮流并风靡全球。
He is one of the most influential fashion designers today, his works always lead the fashion trend and become popular worldwide.
5. 这部电影在全球各地都大获成功,风靡了不同和地区的观众。
This film has been a huge success all over the world, and has become popular among audiences in different countries and regions.
编辑总结:风靡是一个形容某种事物在一段时间内广为流行的词语,常用于描述音乐、时尚、文化等领域。其读音为fēng mǐ [fɤ̄ŋ mì],可以作动词或名词使用。在写作中,可以搭配使用“流行”、“盛行”等词来表达类似的意思。同时,也可以用“走红”、“风尚”、“时髦”等词来替换使用。总的来说,风靡是一个非常常用且具有积极含义的词语,在生活中经常能够听到它的使用。