
英语听力2024-04-24 13:51:09小编



英文解释:To eat one's words and grow fat means to make promises that one cannot keep, but still benefit from them. This idiom describes a situation where a person benefits from their irresponsible words. It is usually used to describe those who make empty promises and do not take responsibility for their actions.

二:怎么读(音标):shí yán ér féi (shí yán ér féi)



1. 他答应给我帮忙,但最后却食言而肥,什么都没做。(He promised to help me, but in the end he ate his words and benefited from it, doing nothing at all.)

2. 这个政客总是在竞选时大肆承诺,但上任后却食言而肥。(This politician always makes grand promises during the election, but after taking office he eats his words and benefits from it.)

3. 他说过要给我一份工作,但后来又反悔了,真是食言而肥。(He promised to give me a job, but later he changed his mind. He really ate his words and benefited from it.)

4. 不要轻易相信那些口出狂言的人,他们可能只是想食言而肥。(Don't easily believe those who make empty promises, they may just want to eat their words and benefit from it.)

5. 那个商人答应给我们更多的优惠,但最后却食言而肥,我们什么都没得到。(That businessman promised us more discounts, but in the end he ate his words and benefited from it, we got nothing at all.)


